Blaise Castle and Fishbourne
Blaise Castle
A Guard turnout took part in Bristol's Amazing Archaeology Day. Unlike last year, when it rained all day, The weather was dry and sunny. Public attendance was good as usual with this event.
Fishbourne Roman Palace.
This event went well with sunny weather both days. Two evenings were spent in the Bulls Head pub and yorkie provided bacon butties on Sunday morning.
On Saturday morning we set up the camp by the Wall reconstructions . Two displays were given each day plus some children's marching sessions. Visitor numbers at Vindolanda on Saturday were the highest of 2024.
On Friday evening we retired to the Twice Brewed Pub where, by chance, we met members of the Sixth Legion from York. They subsequently made a visit to our camp. On Saturday evening some members stayed at Vindolanda for a BBQ but others went to Hexham for a meal. I took some new members to Housesteads early on Sunday morning.
The weather all weekend was dry but on the wrong side of being warm although we did the displays without cloaks.
"Came to see you today at Vindolanda and really enjoyed your show, very informative, friendly and knowledgeable re-enactors. Really brought the Romans to life in a spectacular location. Thank-you for what you do in keeping the Roman story alive."
Chester House
The displays went well with large crowds each time.The weather was bright warm sunshine and members had to be careful to keep hydrated.
On Sunday morning a few keen members kitted up early to take part in some filming to do with wildlife and how the landscape had changed over 2000 years.
Altogether a successful event
Essex Pipeline Dig
Our Optio Tim Haines has been interviewed by the BBC about some interesting discoveries during a pipeline dig
Kings Weston Roman Villa
On a Bank Holiday Saturday four Guard members turned out at Kings Weston Roman Villa in Bristol. This site is only open once a year to the public but can be opened on request for schools. This event was a meet and greet the Romans, with a tour of the villa, a look and handle of artefacts and childrens activities. We were well supported by volunteers from Bristol Museum which made the event run very smoothly.
We fielded many excellent questions and were able to to do small display of marching, a shield wall and even a very small testudo concept.
British Museum
Eight members turned out again at the BM in connection with the Legion Exhibition. This time the event was from 4-6pm which was far more convenient. This session was for BM members and their families.
It has been a long time since the Guard did a three day event. The weather was dry, warm and sunny for all three days. Also taking part in the Historical Event were Regia Anglorum and the Household. At first we didn't know if we could shoot the artillery but permission was given and on the last day the archers also shot their bows. Three Guard members were stationed at The Museum each day.
This will go down as a successful event and a good first full display of 2024.
British Museum
Eight members paraded at the second sleepover event at the British Museum which went well. The numbers attending the event had been increased from 240 to 300 children and adults. As before we toured the LEGION exhibition before our evening session. We have now seen the exhibition three times and still consider it a must for anyone studying the Roman Army.
There will be two further events on 11 May and 8 June 2024
©Benedict Johnson photography ltd
Corinium Museum
This event was well attended by the public and Childrens Soldier marching went well. Both days we marched up to the Market Square to stir up public interest. On Friday evening we retired to the Butchers Arms at Sheepscombe.
HQ Weekend
A successful HQ Weekend was held preparing for the new season. As usual the weather was challenging including snow……but repairs were made to a lot of kit.
On the Saturday night the Guard came together to celebrate the Centurios birthday with a buffet meal at a local pub and more than one birthday cake……..
Western Super Mare Museum
Five Guard members turned out at Weston Super Mare Museum on Tues 13th February for their annual history week. We have been attending this week at the museum for over a decade now and it was nice to be back in a familiar location.
People can enter for free and do everything in the museum, including seeing us and taking part in marching sessions. As soon as the doors opened people were flowing in and we had around 40ish children for one of our two marching sessions for children. This year was great as we had the Vexillarius, legionaries and an auxiliary. People loved seeing all the different kit on show.
The day was constantly busy with groups finishing and starting, marching, talks, etc. As we said our goodbyes to the staff they said that 400 people had attended the event so they were really pleased. Happy with this news some members enjoyed the delights of Weston Super Mare with fish and chips in a restaurant on the sea front which is now a tradition.
Legion Exhibition at the British Museum
The Ermine Street Guard was honoured to be present at the opening of the excellent Legion Exhibition at the British Museum.
“The best thing about Legion at @britishmuseum last night? Seeing it with the Roman Soldiers from the Ermine Street Guard. And listening to them debating the metalwork of this remarkable cuirass with the German conservator who led the team to reconstruct it”
New Research Article
A new research article has been added called Full Circle Addendum by David Hare
Events for 2024
It all begins with an idea.
We have an exciting line up of events for 2024 and we look forward to seeing you at a display