Welcome to The Ermine Street Guard
The Ermine Street Guard has been dedicated to research into the Roman Army and the reconstruction of Roman armour and equipment for 52 years.
Updated Programme for 2025
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Updated Programme for 2025 New Videos added
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Programme for 2025
21 February - Weston Super Mare Museum Roman Day (Small Turnout)
1/2 March - HQ Weekend - ESG members only
18 April - Way of the Cross, Gloucester Cathedral (Small Turnout)
24/25 May - York Museum Gardens
7/8 June - Colchester
28/29 June - Chester House Estate, Wellingborough
19/20 July - Park in the Past near Wrexham
26/27 July - Roman Army Museum, Greenhead (Small Turnout)
17 August - Roman Army Day, Birdlip, Glos.
23 August - Bridgewater Museum (Small Turnout)
23/24 August - Childrens Archery Sessions, Vindolanda
13/14 September - Vindolanda Makers Weekend (Small Turnout)
Membership - £30 Annually
Membership will interest you if you wish to participate in displays and play an active role in the Guard.
Armour is provided free by the Guard, but members are expected to keep their equipment in good condition.
If you want to discuss having The Ermine Street Guard appear at your event please download the Event Pack
Download our Information Pack for Schools
From the outset, the Guard has endeavoured to produce authentic reconstructions of Roman armour and equipment, and as more information comes to light, the Guard updates any incorrect equipment that has been made in the past.
The Guard makes 90% of everything on display including the cavalry equipment and artillery as well as all infantry armour, the tents and other equipment.
This process works both ways. The Guard actively seeks out and studies newly discovered research and updates their equipment accordingly, and academics use reconstructions created by the Guard in the understanding of the function of certain pieces of equipment.